Saturday, April 26, 2008

Let's Get This Garden Started

I was out this morning, finally planting outdoors. Our containers were never brought in last year, so I had a bit of work to do with them. Only 1 immediate casualty, a small terra cotta pot that fell apart during winter's extreme temperature changes. A larger terra cotta container is also showing signs of stress, so I probably won't use it for a whole lot this year.

Everything that I'd ordered has now been planted. The outdoor containers are now home to carrots, beets, radishes, bush beans, kale, chard, and a whole lot of green onions. Indoors, I think the seedlings are taking a bit longer than they ought, but there are still six weeks before they go in the ground. I unfortunately lost one or two by leaving the cover of the seed started on too wilted the seed leaves, and the seedlings didn't last long after that. But that's why you plant multiples!

My peas are doing beautifully. There's a patch of 3 or 4 that never came up, but the rest have really taken off. I think next weekend I'm going to start a second batch to see if I can't get some later ones. I don't think it'll work, but it can't hurt to try. The rest of the seeds will be saved for a late season planting.

Next weekend will also be for more pictures.

Our house has gone under agreement, so we're hoping to be moving soon. Mid-season of course, but I planned for that possibility. I'm so clever.

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