Saturday, August 25, 2007

Success and Failure

My acorn squash plant is gone, gone, gone. I went outside today to find my grape tomato absolutely covered in powdery mildew, and I blame the squash vine. It didn't seem to be producing anything anyway, so I yanked it. It's sad, because I'd have liked to see it do something, but I'll try again when I have a gardening spot that gets a bit more sun.

The grape tomato plant is pretty much bald now. So depressing. It has a gazillion little fruits on it, which is very exciting to see. I just hope there are enough leaves left on the vine to feed them.

Making up for a disappointing trip to the garden: I has a cucumber! An honest to goodness cucumber is growing on the vine. Also exciting was the discovery of more small tomatoes on the standard plant - I counted 3 more small ones growing. (I also discovered that I kept the tag in the pot, it's a "Husky Red.")

There are a bunch more Black Cherries on the vine, too. I hope all these tomatoes have time to ripen! I picked two purple beans, 1 grape tomato, and 1 purple pepper, just to test the heat on it...I really don't think they're going to turn red. This one seems to be getting white, not red.

There are several banana peppers ready to be picked, but I had my wisdom teeth out yesterday so I won't be ready to eat those any time soon. I can only imagine how much it might sting to have capseisin in tooth sockets!

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